The Republic of Huayang-Phonoa is a city-state located on the subtropical islands of Floria Island, Blossomfall Islet, and other islands. The current official languages are Chinese and English. Due to the influence of the indigenous Huayang people, Phonoan language is also in use. Geographically, it is situated south of the Sprintermoon Isles, where the Kingdom of Moonbay is located, and is near the Republic of Aisocia.
Office ofEarth Affairs of the Republic of HuayangーPhonoa entrusts its operations on Earth to the Earth Liaison Office of the Reckts International Union.
聯絡方式 Contact 連絡先
電郵 Email メール: Junyan@junyanese.site
目前駐地球辦事專員位於日本東京。 Commissioner on Earth is presently located in Tokyo, Japan. 在地球事務専員は現在、日本東京に滞在しております。
日本緊急電話 Emergency Numbers in Japan 日本の緊急電話
119 消防、救援、急救 Fire, Rescue, Aid 消防、救助、救急 110 警察、事件、事故 Police, Incidents, Accidents 警察、事件、事故 118 海上事件、事故 Maritime incidents and accidents 海上の事件、事故 171 災害時留言專線 Disaster Message Dial Service 災害用伝言ダイヤル
The above contact information is for Earth only. When in Huayang-Phonoa and other areas, please contact the Headquarters of the Office for Earth Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Huayang-phonoa for related affairs.
(下列聯絡方式不適用於地球) (The contact below can not use on Earth) (地球では以下の連絡情報が適用されません)
花陽共和國外交部 M.O. Foreign Affairs, R.O. Huayang-Phonoa 花陽共和国外務省
地址 Adress 所在地 花陽共和國西海區花和里和平路五號政府花和綜合辦公大樓 Government Hamonflor Comprehensive Office Building, No. 5, Peace Road, Hamonflor, West Coast District, Republic of Huayang-Phonoa 花陽共和国西海区花和町和平通り五番政府花和総合庁舎
官方網站 Official Website 公式サイト https://mofa.gov.pha
電話 Tel 電話 +808 77 5051 2442
電郵 Email メール public@mofa.gov.pha
辦公時間 Time of Service 勤務時間 平日 weekdays 平日 09:30~12:00, 13:00~16:30